Insect Pest Control

Successful Insect Pest Control requires complete knowledge of all the creepy crawlies we get within Britain. Thankfully, our training and experience in entomology means the the initial diagnosis of the problem is quick, so we can effectively control the problem.
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For example, there are several different types of cockroach including German or Oriental that each require a different treatment system to destroy the infestation effectively. We can also have any samples analysed to give a complete understanding of the infestation.
On this page we talk about the various common insects we treat at Pure Pest Solutions. If your insect isn't mentioned, please don't worry, and just get in touch. We are sure to be able to advise and help, offering a pure and environmentally friendly resolution.

Ant Pest Control

The most common ant issue in the UK is the Black Garden Ant, or Lasius Niger to those of you that speak Latin. The largest complaint is from ants following scent marked trails into kitchens in search of sweet foods.
What not to do
To some, pouring a kettle of boiling water on ants is the answer. Apart from being rather cruel to the ants, it is likely to have the opposite effect to what you might expect. When disturbed, adult ants undertake a process known as ‘budding’. This is when they carry larvae to safety to begin a new colony - meaning you may end up with five nests rather than one!
Your technician will usually undertake an industrial strength Fipronil treatment, with bait if necessary. Depending on the situation, a Killgerid powder may also be dispatched along a trail to ensure the ant entire colony is controlled. Generally only one treatment is needed, however, larger infestations can require two.
Cockroach Pest Control

For years cockroaches have been primarily associated with more tropical climates. For some, a holiday to Spain was almost not complete without seeing a cockroach running across your hotel room floor. Now, due to international commerce, they have been distributed across the world.
Of the 4,000 different species worldwide, the United Kingdom commonly has two species that infest - the Oriental cockroach (Blatta Orientalis) and the German cockroach (Blatta Germanica). Not only undesirable, they also spread disease as they move from faeces to food indiscriminately. They will in fact also feed on anything from paper to vomit and faeces (human or their own).
Due to the fast reproduction cycles of cockroaches, it is very important to contact us as soon as you spot a cockroach. Please note that spraying over the counter products will not get to the bottom of the issue as an infestation will go much further than you can see.
Once a full survey is carried out, the cockroaches will then be targeted with industry strength Bendiocarb insecticide including a crack and crevis spray. Traps will be set to identify the source of the nest for the second visit. Importantly, a ULV (Ultra Low Volume) treatment will be applied using the most up to date technology available. This encourages the movement of all cockroaches into the open, improving the effectiveness of the insecticide.
The second visit will focus on the areas where traps have shown the infestation originates. We use growth-regulating chemicals so that the cockroaches cannot reproduce. A crack and crevice treatment will also be applied using powder for electrical sockets. Finally, once again, a ULV treatment will be applied.
The most common flea in the United Kingdom is the Ctenocephalides Felis, otherwise known as the cat flea. Other fleas include the dog flea (Ctenocephalides Canis) and the human flea (Pulex Irritans). Each have a preferred sort of blood, such as cats or dogs, but are happy to eat a human if the they cannot be found.
There are several treatments available to get rid of fleas in a home. The most important issue is to first find the source of the infestation. Generally this is from a pet, and so it is important that any animals are professionally treated for fleas by your vet.
Until this is done, it is not possible to control the infestation. If there is no pet in the house, a search will be undertaken for other flea causes (such as a birds nest in the loft). Either way, we will get to the bottom of your issue!
The entire house will need a good hoover to try and reduce the eggs scattered around the house. Either you can do this, or our pest technician will be happy to help. Finally, a spray will be used in the contaminated areas identified.
Your pet must be kept clear of the house for 24 hours after treatment or until any sprays are dry. Finally we recommend a ULV in specific areas to flush out fleas into the treated areas. Due to the egg stage life cycle of fleas, two treatments may be necessary, however we generally only need one to get the job done!
Flea Pest Control

Fly Pest Control

Flies are generally regarded as safe creatures and have cohabited with humans for many years. With the common housefly (Musca Domestica) we just tend to swot or flap them away from our dinner plates. However, flying insects can carry a wide range of dangerous diseases including E.coli, Salmonella, Camplyobacter and others with even longer names.
These issues arise because flies liquidise their food with saliva before eating it, spreading any diseases at the same time. Below is more information on treatments we have available for flies. In commercial environments we recommend an EFK (Electronic Fly Killer). More information about these is available in our commercial section.
House Fly Treatment
Once you realise that you have a fly infestation, the first step is for us to identify the type of fly involved. It is easy to confuse houseflies with several other fly species such as cluster flies (see below).
After your technician has identified the type of fly, he or she will locate where the flies have been depositing their eggs. This is important to stop the growth of further flies.
Once the breeding site is cleared up or removed, your technician will identify any structural improvements that could be made to prevent these issues occuring in the future. The final step is to remove all live flies to prevent any potential health problems that could arise.
This is done using the up to date ULV (Ultra Low Volume) system, similar to the outdated smoke bombs or ‘foggers’ of yesteryear (although some other companies still use these!). An hour later and your fly infestation will be gone, and that’s guaranteed.
Cluster Fly Treatment
As the name suggests, cluster flies form large clusters in your home in areas such as your loft and around window frames. Different species vary in length (between 2 and 8mm). Over the summer months they can be found in fields.
The problems arise in spring and autumn when they come from the fields to homes, usually in rural areas. Although your technician will of course offer advice on future prevention, the nature of cluster flies means they only need small access holes into your loft or room space.
To treat the areas, the most efficient way is to use a specialist ULV (Ultra Low Volume) system. A fine mist eradicates all of the flies in a matter of minutes.
Due to the flies only using clustering areas for warm harbourage before or after the summer, it is only possible to kill the flies in the room. It is likely this will need doing more than once in a season. We can also hoover the flies up after treatment.
We understand your insect problem can cause real anxiety. Why not let us take care of it? Use our contact form or call to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

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